Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beautiful Creatures

Bonjour! Hello! Hi! Howdy! Hey! Hei! Aloha! Guten Tag!

I have been very busy lately! And I have been a little stuck in books! So sorry!

I tried to read the book Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu. But sadly I got bored. Then I tried to read the book When Zachary Beaver Comes to Town by Kimberly Willis Holt, but I'm stuck in that book too.

Eventually, my friend told me to read (and lent me their copy) of the book Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia. This book, was amazingly well written, did not have any un needed details or plot, and was a perfect (and generally original) idea. I admire the two authors for their strength and maturity for choosing to work together and make their work the ever so much better with the combined talents.

I love the characters, who were ever so perfect for the story, and the setting, ever so perfect. I don't think there is anything I would possibly change, it was so ever so perfect! ;)

Now I'm reading the book Small Acts of Amazing Courage by Gloria Whelan, the author of numerous books. So far, its fairly good, and I'll try to keep you more updated as I read! I'm sorry you've had to wait so long!!!!!!!

Word of the day: Combined- "Made by combining"

Quote of the day- "Intelligence and courtesy not always are combined; often in a wooden house a golden room we find." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Au revior,


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